Rolling with Ross: Vent (PT I)
Welcome to Rolling with Ross, an intimate and on-going look into the life of artist and super role model Shaun Ross. From his words to you:
Imagine yourself in a place where only you live…a place where you are allowed to say exactly what you want without any judgment. Perhaps this place is the inside of your head, or under the safe covers of your bed. There have been so many subjects that I have wanted to touch on, and things that have kept me down for so long, that I decided to vent—not to a friend, but to you. I’ve been infatuated with the idea of talking to the anonymous—a stranger that I can’t see/someone that doesn’t know—for so long in order to get a fresh start. I had a recent breakup and it really inspired me to be more honest with myself; to become a better person. I think the first step to healing and learning to speak about it is to, well, Vent.
Video: Shaun Ross x Essential Homme by Iris MediaWorks.
Watch Part II of Vent here.