Angelina Jolie and the Case of the Powder Face

Angelina Jolie, the closest shot humankind has taken at actualizing perfection, is susceptible to the occasional oopsie daisy. Always a headline fixture, the actress has recently had more eyes on her of late with the upcoming and highly-anticipated release of Disney’s Maleficent (out May 30th). But when Jolie stepped out onto the red carpet Monday night at the HBO premiere of The Normal Heart at The Zigfield Theatre, she caused heads to turn for a slightly different reason. Adorned by her husband and the film’s producer, Brad Pitt, Jolie appeared with large, noticeable white splotches all over her face. Why Pitt, her make-up artist, or anyone nearby did not alert her to such a mishap remains as much a mystery as what really went on in that fated Standard Hotel elevator. Still, she’s Angelina Jolie, the closest thing to a monarchy our country has. She will go home. She will wash her face. Today is a new day. And today, like all days, is hers for the taking. But damn, that was a lot of powder.

Images courtesy of Jim Spellman (Getty Images).