Favorite Five: Duckie Brown Fall 2013

When the music stopped halfway through the show, we were fairly certain it was on purpose. Is it because the Steven Cox and Daniel Silver are contrarian, playful and irreverent? Well…yes. Exactly and exactly why we adore these two. Why play music when there’s an undertone rhythmic bleeping and clicking inherent to a show. Why wear one coat when you can wear two—here with a bomber over a top coat. Can contrasting shades of the same color be worn together? Paneled and celebrated, actually. Should shirting always stop just below the belt line? A commonly held myth that’s bucked throughout. Are sweatshirts always worn beneath your jacket? Think again, especially when there’s proportion to play with. Do jackets always need to button in the front. Absolutely not. Indeed. The clothes here are classic Duckie Brown—challenging the way men, and especially American men conceive of dress, and have left us fully provoked.
All photos by Ernie Green
Favorite Five
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Related: Duckie Brown Spring 2013