
Zac Efron, Seth Rogen, and Jimmy Fallon Don Drag


“Hi everyone and welcome to Ew! — I’m Sara and if your’e wondering that’s S-A-R-A, no H, cause H’s are ew!”

If you haven’t seen Jimmy Fallon’s stint as Sara on Ew!, a recurring sketch on The Tonight Show, hold out for just a few more sentences and we’ll remedy that. On last night’s installment, Sara was joined by one of her “besties” Allison Donaway (played by Seth Rogen, complete with a venti, soy, cinnamon, dolce, and cream fratraccino).

Everything was going “amazeballs” during the skit until Brittany Anderson (played by Zac Efron) showed up, super excited, ’cause she got a new phone with a new camera with 8 megapixels (“so it’s perfect for selfies”). From there, a whole lot of nothing happened — usually the trejectory of Ew — though it was certainly entertaining seeing Rogen and Efron continue their bro-tastic Neighbors press tour.


Crocs – Ew.
Tomatoes (or tom-ah-toes) – Ew.
Baby slothes – Ew.
Gary Oldman – Cute.
James Franco – Ewwwwwwwwwwww.

Images courtesy of NBC.