
What is Happening in the ‘Cats’ Trailer

Gather round, kitty girls: the first trailer for the upcoming Cats live-action remake has been unveiled. Apart from the star-studded cast — which includes the lovable James Corden, vocal luminary Academy Award-winner Jennifer Hudson, That’s-Dame-to-You Judi Dench, gay British screen legend Ian McKellen, Jason Derulo (Jasooon Deruuloo), and Taylor Swift — little has been said about what the film would actually entail. In case anyone has been paying attention to new The Lion King (out today and starring Beyonce), public response to any live-action musical (particularly of the feline variety — lions still count as cats, I checked) has been mixed at best. That being said, a Jennifer Hudson rendition of ‘Memory’ is sure to give me more life than my mother did 25 years ago. So paws up for that.


Watch the trailer above and Hollywood, maybe two live-action cat musicals is enough for the year.