
It’s Been a Long Week: The Megan

Image: ESSENTIAL HOMME, Icenhauer’s.


Everything is bigger in Texas, and the same can be said for Icenhauer’s The Megan, a cheery cocktail from the bar of Austin’s favorite lounge and eatery. With a sweet tang cut through by bitter silver tequila, the pale-hued refresher is a mainstay for those hot summer nights.



  • 2 oz. Espolon Silver Tequila
  • 0.5 oz. Luxardo Maraschino Liqueur
  • 1 c. Sugar
  • 1 c. Water
  • 1.5 c. Fresh lemon juice
  • JP Chenet Brut Rose

Image: ESSENTIAL HOMME, Espolon Tequila, JP Chenet, Domino Sugar, Luxardo, and Fiji.


In a wine glass, combine ingredients over ice and top with JP Chenet Brut Rose.