
Get to Know Your Next Travel Buddy, Octovo


“The world is a book
and those who do not travel
read only one page.”
– St. Augustine

Have you met our new friend Octovo? If not, here’s your chance. Entering the luxury travel market, this is your stop-and-smell-the-roses brand, bringing a thoughtful spin on the straightforward but no less true adage “it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.”

The debut collection is one of great promise, offering a minimalistic — but no less impressive — six essential products, all of which are made with custom, Italian metal-free vegetable retanned leather. Developed as a special project within the renowned design studio, Ammunition, Octovo embraces the gone astray glamour of travel-days past with modern accommodations for our second-skin technologies we can’t seem to separate ourselves from.

Cross-cut sleeves for iPhone5 (or perhaps the freshly-rumored iPhone5C), layover sleeves for iPad & iPad mini, pocket wallets, travel wallets, and, of course, bags. Future collections will include expanded leather colors, new designs and collaborations. The Off Map project they’re launching will pair them with artists, designers, thinkers and makers, and in the process, will create an online journal of stories, films, photograph, and co-created projects.

Get familiar with the brand and shop it: http://octovo.com/

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