Will Somebody, Anybody, Please Direct ‘Ant-Man’?

It’s not terribly unusual for a film to lose its director—we are talking about Hollywood after all—but to lose a second director, is a bit more, how shall we say… bizarre/unexpected/worrisome. Edgar Wright, best known for his Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, was set to begin development on Marvel’s long-anticipated Ant-Man, but production came to a halt on on May 23rd, when Wright and Marvel issued a joint statement announcing that the director would exit the movie and a replacement would be found. Enter Adam McKay, whose biggest credits to date (Anchorman, Talladega Nights, and Step Brothers) made him a less than obvious choice. Actually, strike that. McKay, reportedly on his own volition, struck his name from contendership over this past weekend leaving the director chair yet again unmanned. The film, still set to star Paul Rudd, is to be released in Summer 2015, but without a director, movies tend to be harder to get made.
Image courtesy of Marvel.