Liam Hemsworth Reminds us About Jeans and a T-shirt

September is filled with so much new fashion that it’s easy to over do it. No complaints there, we love us some creativity but sometimes a simple plain white V-neck worn with a perfect pair of jeans and some chill shades is really all you need. Like how Liam Helmsworth dressed at LAX the other day on his way to Atlanta to film the second installment of The Hunger Games series (Catching Fire). The man looks well put together but totally unaffected—and really, that’s never a terrible look. The denim, a savvy PR girl tells us, are simply American Eagle Outfitters Skinny Jean in Light Rugged Wash. Complete the look with a perfect white T-shirt over at MackWeldon.com and, round it out the men’s Thatcher shades at Warby Parker.