A Night Celebrating Calvin Klein Collection and Italo Zucchelli
Pitti is first and foremost about the collections, but also, the grand events. Last night was proof as such. Calvin Klein Collection hosted a private event full on party, in honor of the brands’ Men’s Creative Director, Italo Zucchelli, to celebrate his Fall 2013 runway show. The event was held at the Franco Parenti Theatre, a theatrical and music performance venue in Milan where Ellie Goulding, (who was, of course, wardrobed in Calvin Klein Collection) kicked off her first live performance of the year. Ms. Goulding performed songs from her latest album, Halycon, which, by the way, the official “Halycon Days” tour kicks off in Miami, Florida on January 16th. Following her performance, Hercules and Love Affair, a musical project from New York, took to the stage and did their neo-house thing until the end of the evening. Among the editors and notables in attendance, those wardrobed in Calvin Klein Collection included actor Justin Theroux and New York Giants’ Victor Cruz, both of whom also attended the show earlier that day. Additionally, photographer, blogger, and model Hanneli Mustaparta, who is a contributor to Calvin Klein’s official Tumblr® blog, was on hand to capture the event and wardrobed in Calvin Klein Collection. For the men’s runway show, Ms. Mustaparta posted insider and behind the scenes photos of the Fall 2013 collection on the brand’s Tumblr®. (You can click here—calvinklein.tumblr.com to view her exclusive images). We’ve got some golden ones from backstage fixture, Kevin Tachman. Right this way…
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Photos: Kevin Tachman