
Cable’s Most Aired Movie of 2013 is Mrs. Doubtfire


Nope, not there’s There’s Something About MaryMean Girls didn’t even break the top ten. The most aired basic cable film of 2013 was Robin Williams’ 1993 classic Mrs. Doubtfire. Hardly shocking, seeing as the film has not only grossed over $440 million worldwide, but has also begun setting its ducks in a row for a sequel. Original director Christopher Columbus and, of course, Robin Williams are set to return with the plot unknown (though Sally Field’s got an idea: “I could be Mr. Doubtfire.”).


The film aired a total of 66 times across five networks beating out She’s All ThatJunoAustin Powers in Goldmember, and Ice Age which rounded out the top 5.

Images Courtesy of 20th Century Fox.