
Armani Code Profumo: A Seductive Illustration

3614270581649_Code-Profumo-1_01Image: Armani.

Inspired by the excellence of a Giorgio Armani tuxedo, the latest addition to the Armani Code selection is Code Profumo, which illustrates a seduction of artistry and lifestyle in a sequence of warm and intense notes of amber, citrus, and burnt wood. In its softness, bursts of crisp green apple and aromatic lavender blend with accents of tobacco, producing a palpable effect on the skin. The scent’s bottle design too resonates with the elegance of the Armani man, featuring an internal thick glass for an effect of depth as tones of black lacquer and amber-incandescent shadows match with a bronze embossed cap and cummerbund component.

Armani Code Profumo is now available online.