Hinge Will Pay You to Turn Off Your Phone
“No. No. Such an edited photo. No. Cute but this picture was taken in 2012. Wait… this one is a catch — scrolls — visiting for the weekend. Damnnit!” The perils of online dating. So let’s say best case scenario you find someone who checks all the boxes: smart, thriving, put-together, and lives in the same neighborhood. The next step is meeting up and this is where things take a turn: Either no one takes initiative, another date hops on it quicker, or the schedules don’t line up and both parties “forget” to follow up. This Friday, National Day of Unplugging, Hinge has just the incentive to get you both off your phones and on your date.
“Introducing people on Hinge is just the beginning of a connection,” says Nathan Roth, CMO at Hinge. “The real magic happens in person and in real life. We’ll never stop encouraging our users to meet up, and this Friday, we’re excited to give them a little extra incentive to set up a date and put Hinge away.”
How are they sweetening the deal? They’ll cover the cost. Users who decide to meet up with a match and put down their phones will receive $100. Try it out — it’ll be the most cost-effective date you’ve ever been on.
- Participating Hinge users can follow the steps below to get a free date on Hinge.
- Set up a Hinge date.
- Pause Hinge on National Day of Unplugging — March 6, 2020 — for 24 hours starting at 4 p.m. EST.
- Fill out the form at unplugwithhinge.com and respond to the ‘We Met’ survey in the app confirming their March 6 date.
- Participants should pause their Hinge profile for 24 hours starting at 4 p.m. EST on National Day of Unplugging — March 6, 2020.
- Between 4:00 pm EST on March 7 and Midnight EST on March 8, complete the in-app “We Met” survey for their date, and complete and submit the request form at unplugwithhinge.com using the name and email associated with their Hinge account to request a gift card
- Once we verify their request, you’ll receive an email with a $100 e-gift card reimbursing them for their Hinge date (while funds last).
- First come, first served. Ends 3/8/20, or when a total of $25,000 in gift cards is claimed, whichever is sooner.