
Lisa Goodman of GoodSkin Talks About Healthy Aging

Gone are the days when cosmetic dermatology was strictly a female-focused service and even more when it was just a “fast Botox” trend. Today, the skin’s apparent heath is balanced between its natural properties and science. With that in mind, GoodSkin, a bi-coastal cosmetic boutique and medical office, instead focuses on creating a healthy aging plan for their clients. In lieu of a menu of services, founder Lisa Goodman and her team individual assess and diagnose each patient with a bespoke plan that best reflects their natural beauty.


Scanning the bone structure, GoodSkin points out the areas of focus. Instead of specifically targeting dark spots, wrinkles, and other signs of aging, the company aims to improve the overall appearance of the skin. Goodman takes to why these indicators have appeared — like not enough cheekbone, for example — and other reasons that may cause the skin to show signs of fatigue. Ultimately, her clients leave the office feeling healthy rather than xerox-copies of one another — Goodman also mentions that a huge chunk of her clientele is male. She says that professionals hate hearing that they “appear tired,” and so the trend of garnering a healthy woke glow is quite evident today. We spoke to Goodman about the details of healthy aging planing.


EH: How do you ensure that your clients retain “natural beauty?”

Lisa Goodman: Science first, beauty second. We always start with our diagnosis. If you understand bone, muscle, fat, fascia, and skin, genetics, and their unique problems, you can restore their face while keeping their unique individuality.


Co-founder Lisa Goodman


What are the basic essentials for anti-aging?


The basic is living well. That’s why we always ask social history! The hard part is that there are five-parts of aging and that those will be different from person to person. Everyone can focus on their skin, but people need to understand that they might be given better skin than bone structure, which is why we will tell the client not to spend all their money on skincare. It’s not one size fits all! The only thing that is universal is having less stress, eating well, sleeping and taking care of yourself.


What are the main aspects of looking younger and healthier? 


It goes back to that it has to be based on the individual person. What is looking younger and healthier? If the problem is skin, we come up with a plan. What if they look young and healthy but don’t have fat under their eyes? Then we need to use filler. It all goes back to the diagnosis.


Outside of physical intervention, what is other advice that you offer to your clients for healthy aging?


We offer tailored vitamin IV infusions, we offer red light therapy, and we always take a thorough look at social history. Are you on an anti-inflammatory diet? We always look at overall wellness so it’s part of the conversation. You don’t need to spend money on everything. You need to spend money on things that are good for your case.

See a typical consultation below: