
Hurricane Sandy Help With Love From Osklen and Alejandro Ingelmo

Alejandro Ingelmo soho

Alejandro Ingelmo Soho

Being in fashion—especially in New York—at this moment is kinda strange. Life must go on, but, as nature would have it, there are a lot of people around who’ve been left out in the rain. (And tomorrow, as another storm approaches, that will be quite literally). Not exactly the most inspiring moment to go buy stuff. So…to the point. Some brands are doing their thing to make you feel much less guilty for going out and snagging a new pair of (here) sneakers or (also) jackets. Consider spending your dollars at the following. Alejandro Ingelmo, he of slick sneaker fame, will be donating 10% of his Soho store’s sales from now until to November 9th to the hunger-relief charity Feeding America, which is aiding those in need of food in the wake of the hurricane. The Manhattan boutique is located at 51 Wooster near the intersection of  Wooster and Spring. Osklen, of Brazilian sustainability innovation, will be donating 10% of sales from its Miami and New York stores from November 6th to November 9th to the Red Cross to aid Sandy relief. The New York store is located in Soho at 97 Wooster Street at the intersection of Wooster and Spring. The Miami store is located in Miami Beach at 1101 Lincoln Road.

Related: Interview: Alejandro Ingelmo Tells Us of Color, Michael Bastian and Kanye West