
For Showing Off: The Handmade Kaufmann Mercantile Flask

 Kaufmann Mercantile Handmade Copper Flask buy sale price purchase retail store wash daniel boone

Ostensibly, task of the flask is to keep the swigging of liquor discreet, so even more of a reason to make use of a canteen that’s of discerning taste. One such vessel?  The gorgeous, sexy, how-can-you-possibly-want-to-hide-this-thing-away Handmade Copper Flask by Kaufmann Mercantile. Ok, so maybe having a flask that taunts you to show it off isn’t helping the cause of discretion, but meh…it’s better to have something that looks debonair in your hands when secretly boozing than some trashy POS. And alternately, why can’t your flask also be something worthy of displaying atop the fire-mantle? The designers at Kaufmann Mercantile modeled this one after the flasks that American settlers like that dude Daniel Boone would have carried, and actually, the company that produces them, Jacob Bromwell, uses the same methods they used 200 years ago to craft them. Hello conversation starter. It’s made of 100% solid copper with hot-tinning on the inside as well as a wooden stopper and air tight cork seal to keep your booze nice and safe. And there no real mess—just wash and wipe and it’s ready for your next discreet bender. Check the where to buy post jump.


 Kaufmann Mercantile Handmade Copper Flask buy sale price purchase retail store wash daniel boone

The Handmade Copper Kaufmann Mercantile Flask is available for $149.95 at


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