Cannabis Wellness in Six Formulas by dosist
Long-proven to provide a number of wellness benefits, cannabis has become a true trend often without truly targeting a particular function. Enter dosist, a wellness brand offering cannabis-based formulas for six separate occasions: sleep, bliss, calm, arouse, passion, and relief, in a user-friendly pen. Each one administers the exact dosage of 2.25mg of cannabis to deliver the expected result.
Founded in 2016, dosist has chosen to focus entirely on the wellness side of cannabis use. After rigorous scientific study, each dose pen contains targeted formulations to provide relief from some of today’s most common ailments. dosist’s products and formulas are engineered to take the guesswork out of cannabis treatment, and create consistent, safe and effective results for consumers. The pen was even voted one of Time Magazine’s top 25 inventions of 2016, some even refer to dosist as the Apple of cannabis.
Taking cannabis seriously, dosist also eliminates many of the side effects associated with the non-dosed consumption of the plant. By meticulously monitoring the entire process, the ingredient is pesticide-free and extracted through non-volatile methods. The brand goes further ensuring sustainability by producing an entirely recyclable pen. In fact, when returned, consumers receive $5 off their next order.
The dosist pen is available in both 200 and 50 dose pens for each formula. To purchase the product and learn more about cannabis-focused wellness, visit their West 3rd and Abbot Kinney wellness spaces in Los Angeles, as well as select dispensaries in the CA/FL area.