You Probably Won’t be the New Face of MbMJ (But Good Luck!)

Image: MbMJ.
Say whatever you want of the amalgamation of corporate politics, design drama, and physical renovations, that is Marc Jacobs, but don’t you dare try to argue that your boi Marc isn’t on trend. A few months ago the brand, not the man—although, who can really tell at this point?—launched fashion’s first retail pop-up, in which payment was accepted in the form of Tweets. A social-media slap in the face from the company that was banished to hashtag hell when a disgruntled intern famously bashed MJ CEO Robert Duffy. Now, three years later, the company is in a period of preparations to go public (the American fashion dream). Giving digital media one final I’ll show you!, the house’s diffusion brand, MbMJ (formerly Marc by Marc Jacobs), has looked to Twitter and Instagram to cast its new it-girl (or boy, we guess, but let’s be real, the winner will definitely end up wearing a dress) for FW14. Entering the contest is simple: just post a sexy selfie to your fav network (or both) with the hashtag #CastMeMarc and keep your fingers crossed. Although based on the current hellish amount of normal-human-looking-entrants, we’re not taking this as a real casting as much as a power move, because if House of Cards taught us anything: true power is making the ugly people below you think you matter.