Woolrich Woolen Mills Spring 2013 Look Book: Mark McNairy's Arctic Meltdown
Probably only Mark McNairy can get away with saying that a spring collection is inspired by spring—spring’s re-awakening, to be exact—and not make it come off as lazy. This is McNairy—and there’s always a little twist. He’s calling his 4th collection with Woolrich Woolen Mills, “arctic meltdown,” and accordingly, you’ll actually find classic winter looks but constructed to be worn in warmer weather. Classic suiting fabrics mixed with canvas and micro-mesh evoke the feeling of cold weather performance fabrics, but made in summer weights. A playful snowflake print—used on a suit, on bow ties, scarves and bandanas—winks at winter or perhaps our collective wish in the hottest days of July to be cold. Summer icons are present too—as in the blue seersucker suits with oversized cargo pockets. Bursts of royal blue, vibrant yellow and crimson red play off tan, navy, hunter green and a khaki camouflage print, referencing 1—arctic explorers, 2—spring’s brave harbingers: the crocus, the tulip, a tree’s pale green buds and 3—McNairy’s natural instinct towards streetwear cool. Check the full Spring 2013 look book after the jump.
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