Travelteq's Reversible Jacket and Your (Possible) Opinionated Discount

Esteemed Amsterdam based Travelteq has come up with a reversible nylon travel jacket meant to transform from business into pleasure in just a few fell swoops. The formal side mimes the distinguished look of a blazer and while the casual one helps you look sporty all over. Nylon is a material that does travel well, especially on incommodious flights, but depending on what kind business you’re traveling, it may be a touch too unconventional. Either way, its not a bad idea and we can certainly imagine it being a useful item to have in our travel bag of tricks. But the jacket has yet to be made and TravelTeq would like to hear your thoughts about it. Send in your feedback by clicking through here (http://www.travelteq.com/Travel-Jacket) and when they do finalize the jacket, you’ll find that you’ll be able to purchase the jacket for just 150 Euro rather than the full retail price of 250 Euro.