The guys at TKO don’t care much for Day Lights Saving Time (and neither do we for that matter). We know because just as the sun’s started going down after lunch, they’ve launched a new solar powered line of men’s watches that, we think, are made entirely out of irony. Just kidding. But really, they’re fitted with rubber bands, poly carbonate casing and a reserve battery should the sun stop delivering it’s natural source of energy. Plus, suave modern design in black, orange or white. Not bad for the $95 price tag.
G-Shock's whiteout collection of watches hits shelves today and aren't just fab because they're water and shock resistant, match almost any casual summer look and come equipped…
Calvin Klein Collection’s creative directors Francisco Costa and Italo Zucchelli, along with Vogue’s Fashion Market/Accessories Director, Virginia Smith, co-hosted the lively Fashion Night Out soiree at the brand's Madison Avenue…