Peter Thomas Roth Clini-MatteTM Loves Spring Sun as Much as You

With Easter, Passover and the premier of Mad Men Season 5 all behind us, its safe to say…no scream…that, “Spring is here!” Tis the season for longer lunch breaks, leisurely stopping strolls and long anticipated, heat-lamp free outdoor seating. Amid the rush to do almost anything you can outside, its all too easy to forget that you’re also giving your skin its first enduring exposure to the sun since the dog days of last fall. Its time to think about your old buddy sun-friendly facial moisturizer and its trusty side kick SPF. Peter Thomas Roth’s Clini-MatteTM (SPF 20) has really done the trick for us so far by not just keeping our face red-free but by smoothing out our skin (our pores appear to be on Spring Break) and adding a gracious amount of matte complexion, perfect for carefree spring photos. Peter Thomas Roth Clini-MatteTM is available at Sephora and peterthomasroth.com, $48/oz.