Gaga, Eminem, Arcade Fire Innagurate the YouTube Music Video Awards
Youtube is facing the music — changing times, changing market — and is thus launching the first (annual?) YouTube Music Video Awards. The November 3rd award show, produced by filmmaker Spike Jonze, will include performances and collaborations staged all around the world from cities like Seoul to Moscow, London to Brazil, all culminating in a live event at New York City’s Pier 36. Among the headliners are art pop-tress Lady Gaga, Eminem, and Arcade Fire with Jason Schwartzman MCing. “The whole night should feel like a YouTube video itself,” Jonze said in a statement. “We’re getting together a group of amazing artists and filmmakers to do this live — tune in to see what happens live.” So how does it work? YouTube will announce nominations Oct. 17th, based on global music video views and shares amassed over the past year. The winners will be voted by the site’s users by sharing across social media. Check out the first preview: