BVLGARI’s Newest Fragrance is a Wood Essence Fantasy

BVLGARI‘s new eau de parfum, Wood Essence, elegantly bottles the scent of the urban man looking to embrace nature within citylife — very Man of the Woods by JT. The scent blends the green woody notes of cypress wood, Haitian vetiver, and cedar wood with Italian citrus accents (nod the the brand’s heritage), and coriander in a light, metropolitan parfum.
Master perfumer Alberto Morillas wanted to find the ideal balance of nature in world’s dynamic cities and focused on the tree as the skyscraper of the environment. This idea is translated into the bottle and packaging, evoking a tree with green liquid at the center, bark surrounding the liquid, and a wooden lid. A chic statement, both physically and in scent form, Wood Essence is light and sophisticated, leaving space for personal expression without distracting. An aftershave balm with the same scent is also available.
BVLGARI MAN Wood Essence is available on 9/1 at Macys.com.