Boast + Blank You Very Much: Vote for….
Reality singing competitions step aside, seriously, cause BOAST is here and has partnered with Blank You Very Much for a competition that, well, won’t make you tacitly responsible for unleashing mediocrity unto the world (d’oh!). BOAST will be launching limited edition products (t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats) through a design contest focused on all the unsung heros of design/pop culture (a not prop’d enough crew of people who really could use some good stuff to put in their portfolios)—up-and-coming graphic artists. With the design round now a wrap, phase two, the selection process, goes out to the public. During this time, fans/people bored at their computers at work will be able to vote for their favorite designs. You know the drill by now: More votes = Greater chances of winning. Winning what, you might ask? The best designs will be featured site-wide and printed on custom blanks (check their site to see exactly what that means). The voting polls are open now until January 31st, just go to http://www.blankyouverymuch.